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Security Measures

2 min read

Security in your home

Simple, obvious steps are the biggest deterrents to home invasions.

  • Lock your doors and windows
  • Put valuables in a safe

Social Media

Be aware of posting

  • information about your schedule or being away from your property
  • images that show valuable items in your home
  • images that show security vulnerabilities

Secrets in the Trash

The boxes and bags you put out on the curb on trash day can tell potential burglars a lot about what valuables are inside your home. Take extra steps to avoid this by breaking down boxes and folding them so that brand and product names aren’t visible. When you need to, use extra bags to cover them. The extra effort is worth it to avoid the heartbreak of having your hard-earned possessions stolen right after you purchase them.

Password Protect your WiFi Network

Wifi networks must always be password protected to prevent outsiders from accessing private information and connected home security devices. Keeping your wifi network protected is an important part of keeping your home secure. Always use a strong wifi password, minimize sharing it and update it regularly – especially as staff turns over.

Make it look like someone is home

There are some easy ways you can make it appear that someone is home in your house, even when that isn’t the case. One obvious tactic is to leave a light on inside, although that’s done so commonly that most burglars won’t think twice about the living room light being switched on. Some other effective ways to make it seem like your home is occupied, especially when you’re away for an extended period, are to leave a car in the driveway, used timed lighting (indoor and outdoor) that goes on at different times.

Security on your street

Meet your neighbors!